Saturday, September 16, 2006

so its the weekend!

im in studio right now...i normally am in studio on a saturday night... but im doing two shows tonight: the top 20 countdown (which is quite fun and very easy!) then im off for food at 7pm, then i'll be back at 9 to do my other show. here til twelve, so im already searching completely random things online. its going to be a long night.

worst of all western province is losing the rugby at the moment, and im in lion territory. im going to be tuned no end this evening in my late night show!!! i will not answer the phone!

good news though....

im going to sun city on monday! yaya! staying over for the night. i was initially invited for two days, but ofcourse i would disrupt work, but on account of the huge amount of overtime ve been working, the boss said go!!! yaya. only going for one night, but still! awesome. the closet i get to the beach, and the weather is stunning!

so im really chuffed. i generally dont get to go to all the things im invited to (and there are a lot of them) this is the 5fm spring break, so iget b&b, plenty of top rate food!

enjoying the soccer. we are not such a great team. the average age of the girls is 26, but we have a blast. my stomach muscles are killing me from laughing so much. we have drawn two and lost one (terribly)
unfortunately we are all injured. i have had inner calf issues but doing better now. been gyming and swimming plenty.

ps: a top twenty on east rand stereo could be worse: top song is from shane ward and includes the PC dolls and rhianna, but also a few groot treffers (big afrikaans hits) chris chameleon and die campbells. oh dear! hehehehe!

much love

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