Thursday, December 07, 2006

The maddest of them All:
Springs FC, Ladies Team!

I was guarenteed to find a crowd of English people if I found a football club. Not only did I find a soccer club, but also an awesome group of young women!

I'm not entirely sure why we put ourselves through the pain and torture of fitness and running week in and week out. Every Tuesday and Thursday night, I had to convinvce my self to get going, knowing full well that the impending pain would not be fun. However, it was not long before I realised that the most pain was a result of the girls themselves! This is by no means an insult, just an indication of how funny it was! Playing soccer with Springs FC was hilarious! A complete blast that gave my stomach muscles one hell of a workout!

As far as the actual skills go:

  • Drinking
  • Sex (according to the pitch conversations)
  • Flexibility - varies
  • Ball skills - depends if we are talking about soccer or not
  • Scoring - depends if we are talking about soccer or not
  • Dribbling - only after too many drinkschirping the ref/ coach - priceless and irreplacable!

Guess the Player:

1 pair belongs to a feisty, foreign blooded women, who is loud and enjoys scoring (and then talking about it afterwards)

4 of the breasts belong to the shortest player. Reportedly she is rough and loud. She also enjoys scoring.

Of course, the above refers to soccer, and nothing but soccer. We are a very focused team!

But the sexist aspect of Springs FC has got to be the sexy blue shorts
(available for order on this site!)


When wearing these shorts, one feels confident and radiates sex-appeal. One may find oneself in a compromising position (like right back) and may find oneself unbelievably sexy. Such sexiness is contagious as the below pictures depict.

Jose, Conrad, Cpt Claire, Bernice, Angela, Debbie, Liz, Sandra, Amber, Cynthia, Sharon, Michelle, Lisa and Biance

Thanks for all the good times!

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