Thursday, September 28, 2006

Sun City Spring Break!
How awesome this was. I was invited, as a valued member of the media, to attend the annual Spring break.

This week was another exciting installment in the life of an East Rand DJ. I was just comming off an exhausting period - a two week stint of 11/12 hour days on account of the absentism of a presenter and journalist. Pray, tell, the tax man doesnt make me suffer further for lending a helpful hand to a station in a time of need. Its hardly my fault such time is deemed over time!

Then the weekend came and instead of chilling, recuperating or spending the cash I didnt earn, I worked another two shows (as the wiser DJs took a long weekend!) Thankfully I convinced the once poorly-looking presenter to return so that I could continue "work" in more lavish surroundings.

Yes, life is tough. Especially when your over-work, under paid self is shipped off to Sun City for an all-expenses paid visit to Spring Break. Yes, my job can suck at times.
(please note: the above is dripping in sarcasm!)

Having only had a glimpse of the City of Sun once before, I was anxious to get going, so I recorded my news, filled my tank and zoomed 2 and a half hours away in a North Westerly direction to the North West Province.

I got there in one piece, following the map and advise of more knowledgable parties but magically lost the national road and found it again without realising I had left it in the first place. I have alway been quite good with direction!?!?!?

I arrived fairly late in the afternoon, and went to check in, however was moved to the hotel next door. Now I'm not sure which room would have been better, but the accomodation in which I stayed was awesome! I had a ground floor bedroom in the Cascades hotel, which is nicely central. So cool to jump into a nice big bed after a long bath in far too many bubbles!

Since I had missed most of the days events, I thought I had better be diligent and run down to the valley of waves and get the following day's schedule. I was pleasantly surprised when the person handing over all the information was a strangely familiar face. It only made sense once recieving her business card (and full name) that I realised that it was in fact the woman I had looked up to when bodyboarding - one of SA's top ladies in water sports, Olivia Jones!
I was quite chuffed and so blown away by how genuinely nice she is! Its no wonder that, since the glory days, has started a PR company.Sun City is cool. Sun CIty is fantastic when you dont have to pay for anything! It is a very expensive place, and I'm not sure why anyone would go there as opposed to the real thing. i suppose its closer, but casinos are everywhere (no appeal there) and the beach is a lot less crowded (at times) and fresher smelling than the chlorenated waters of the valley. Haviong said this...I had a blast and am so grateful for the invite! the food was great! The media were given a daily allowance, which was really for dinner (as meals were provided at every other time of the day.) Not one to let my Scottish heritage shy away, I ensured that the full allowance was consumed! This was fairly easy on the second evening when the order of the day was sushi...and lots of it! Olivia, Agnes (her assistant) and I devoured as much as possible in a cool chinese spot called the Orchid. The night life is located solely at The Traders Horns. Being there mid week, meant I missed out on the 5fm parties, but on all accounts I thought my evening was tops! Met some very interesting characters, listened to an excellent band (although they were a cover band) and danced the night away. It was fairly humourous spotting the (once) drunkarks on the beach the following day - and realising that it was teh Yo-TV girls, the Blue bulls dancers, vodacom cheerleaders, MCs, surfers and basically the whole Spring Break crew who I was partying it up with. Quite funny.

The following morning was awesome once again on account of the food. Funny how much you appreciate a prepared meal when you havent prepared it (or anything for that matter in a long while!) Headed down to the beach to watch some awesome jet ski and surf - tow in displays. Wow! Got some amazing pics. I explored, swam and met some more awesome people! ALso tackled the temple of Courage slide - the near vertical 17 meter high, 70 meter long water slide. Had to do it twice as I must admit my eyes closed for a section of the death-defying drop! hehehehe!

The trip was cut short as the office called. thanks. However I came back with such refreshing stories and such a refreshed mind that the rest of the week flew by.

Then friday saw another change in events when I headed the live outside broadcast at Carnival City ( the big casino here) It was a cansa jail and bail event - where we lock up celebs, give them a phone and they are only released once they have raised teh necessary bail money. It was such a fun day and even though, by studio terms, 5 hours is a marathon to be on air - it flew by.ANd the response has been quite good. Quite pumped to get to my show now.

and so that is what i have been up to. Once again today, I have been waiting for a cool breeze to come in - you know, the early evening sea breeze. well, apparently they dont have that here. crazy!?!?!?!?!

Saturday, September 16, 2006

so its the weekend!

im in studio right now...i normally am in studio on a saturday night... but im doing two shows tonight: the top 20 countdown (which is quite fun and very easy!) then im off for food at 7pm, then i'll be back at 9 to do my other show. here til twelve, so im already searching completely random things online. its going to be a long night.

worst of all western province is losing the rugby at the moment, and im in lion territory. im going to be tuned no end this evening in my late night show!!! i will not answer the phone!

good news though....

im going to sun city on monday! yaya! staying over for the night. i was initially invited for two days, but ofcourse i would disrupt work, but on account of the huge amount of overtime ve been working, the boss said go!!! yaya. only going for one night, but still! awesome. the closet i get to the beach, and the weather is stunning!

so im really chuffed. i generally dont get to go to all the things im invited to (and there are a lot of them) this is the 5fm spring break, so iget b&b, plenty of top rate food!

enjoying the soccer. we are not such a great team. the average age of the girls is 26, but we have a blast. my stomach muscles are killing me from laughing so much. we have drawn two and lost one (terribly)
unfortunately we are all injured. i have had inner calf issues but doing better now. been gyming and swimming plenty.

ps: a top twenty on east rand stereo could be worse: top song is from shane ward and includes the PC dolls and rhianna, but also a few groot treffers (big afrikaans hits) chris chameleon and die campbells. oh dear! hehehehe!

much love
Always on the lookout for my boy-friends out there. And here's a little test, just to see if you are totally prepared for the weekend's hunting!

Good luck. You have been warned!

Its probably just best to behave!

The Wonder of it all?
I'm still standing!

I learnt HTML, I built a website, then lost it. Thus I am taking the easier route and blogging. Much easier than adding a blog to your website!

And so this blog represents an amalgamation of completely random thoughts and totally relevent arbitraty ponderings. It makes sense that this is now online.
