Saturday, November 04, 2006

Remember, remember the fifth of November!

Some how this notion has dissapeared for the sake of convenience. Granted..the whole guy fawks concept is hardly a celebratory contept in today's terms (the guy attmepted to blow up the houses of parliament in the uk) but if you are going to celebrate something thats not yours, at least get it right!

I say this, as every time i hear a bang, it takes me a second to establish whether it is an over excited family blowing up crackers and widow makers (totally just understood the name of that!) or the Johannesburg night life.

i have been struck with a cold. this is a problem when you are paid to talk and your voice disapears. tonight's show is strained. i dont feel to hot and cant even sound enthuiastic because the voice is now limited to monotone and the occasional squeak. Much like a thirteen year old boy whose voice is breaking at an inappropiate time.
Our mantra is: More music, more local, more fun...tonight I am sticking to the 'more music part.'

My friends are in various parts of the world at the moment...including Cheng Wen who is in the States. Looks like she had an awesome halloween!

here is some of her handy work!

it seems the americans go all out for halloween. there is even a festival called: pumpkin chunkin' in which the main objective is launch your pumpkin as far as it will go.

so with the fireworks, joburg hijakers and groot sokkie treffers i must return to work and say something without soundinglike a.) a sex hotline attendant b.) thirteen yearold boy or c.) like i have no voice and a bit of a cold!


much love

1 comment:

Unknown said...

ha! now I'm famous :P